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Design Approach 


Full Play Through

By youtuber L Squared LIVe

By youtuber iwanPLAYS

This game has received over 250+ downloads on with over 1500 views, and was an featured game for over a week.  Thanks to content creators and SIGNED A has been publicly viewed by over 12,000 people.


A Psychological Horror  Puzzle game with hard hitting reality. 


While designing Signed A. I wanted to ensure the player walked anyway rethinking the entire game upon completion.


Signed A.


This game was designed to build up events, photographs, notes, and puzzles that seem to have little connection until the last 5-7 minutes of game play when everything comes crashing together in a big reveal. This is done intentionally to ensure the player walks away from the game rethinking every moment, puzzle, and decision to understand the complexities of the narrative. This game was also designed with simple mechanics so the players focus on the puzzles and solutions would allow immersion into the environment. The game moves away from jump scares and moves to terrorize the player through repetition, fear, and stress of the unknown. The repetition directly correlates to the narrative of drug addiction.

Game Design


Here I explain the design process and approach for different levels I have designed using elements such as:

Lighting, Guiding Lines, Occlusion, Signifiers, Affordances, Shape Language, Environmental Emotions, Framing, and many more.  

Level Designs

Dungeon Master

I have been playing D&D for about 3 years and have grown to love the game. In recent years however, I have found more enjoyment in running the game! I have been DM'ing D&D for a little over a year now and have run over 10 One-Shots or Short Campaigns (3 sessions at most), and am currently running a Sandbox Campaign in which I created and designed the maps, lore, narrative, etc. As I enjoy running pre-created modules, I have found more enjoyment in world building, managing the complexities of trade, economics, politics, wars, conflicts, and story building. I enjoy giving my players freedom of choice as I prefer them to drive the story as I sprinkle in DM fun here and there!

Organization Tools

I primarily use Scrivener for story boarding and organization of people, places, thoughts, etc. I have found this software to be the greatest help when a player succeeds on a history check for example that references a NPC the players interacted with at the beginning of the Campaign. Additionally, I use Inkarnate to assist with map and world building. The price point and pre-created asset collection allows me to focus on the design and progression of the Campaign. I have all my players use as well. This creates a better experience for the players as they can not forget materials. Additionally, the ability as the DM to reference their character sheets at a moments notice does help me to tailor some encounters or puzzles to unique spells and abilities members of the Campaign have accessible. 

Some Notes and Lore

Notes, themes, lore, and examples from my current running Campaign to give insight into the world I have designed!

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